
Showing posts from 2013

Father of the Year Moment

The other day I got my 2 year old, Armbone Jr aka AJ, standing in the bathroom sink so I can wash his feet. I got my left arm around his waist, the water running, and I’m washing his feet with the right. What I didn’t realize is that the wife has one of them plug-in air-fresheners in the outlet just to the left of the sink. (It’s one of those Yankee Candle shits that you turn on and it heats up the wax in the cup at the top, and the smell good gets released) So there I am being a good dad and cleaning the fuck-ton of sand from between his toes….. By the way, how these kids get so much fucking sand in their shoes is beyond me. It’s like the daycare ladies dip the kid’s feet in honey and let them run wild in the damn sandbox. Then they throw the socks back on, just to shove it up the parent’s asses. Just a little sweet revenge for having to wipe our kid’s snotty noses, change their shitty diapers, and put up with their little toddler attitudes. I can imagine them sitting home, sipping a