Drinking Sauces

Maybe the most lucrative wednesday (non-event) night ever. It was nothing but your average wednesday. Slow night, maybe make a hundred bucks if you're lucky. Well I guess I was lucky, because walking through the restaurant my ear happened to catch a conversation going on between a four top of frat-type douche bags sitting in someone else's section. One of the guys bets his boy $200 that he couldn't drink a pint of hickory bbq sauce in under 10 minutes without puking. Are you fucking kidding me! I'd drink a pint of pretty much anything for $200, so I stuck around. If frat boy turned down the bet, I was gonna jump in.

Well the shithead took the bet. Now my only hope to get in on this bet and make some money was if this dude's got a weak stomach. So I crossed my fingers and waited. Just by looking at the guy, I could tell he probably couldn't hold his liquor, let alone a pint of bbq sauce. And just as I suspected, about a half pint in and he was running to the bathroom. Opportunity knocks! I went straight to the table and said, "I'll take that bet, and I don't need the 10 minute time limit." They agreed and I was in. I made sure to see the $200 first, and sure enough there were two crispy hundreds placed on the table. I filled the pint glass with the hickory sauce and waited for them to say "Go!". I shit you not, that sauce went down in about 3 seconds like it was a fucking jager-bomb. I slammed the glass down, wiped my mouth, grabbed the money, pointed to the habanero hot sauce on the table, and said "I'll do the hot sauce for $300". Then I turned around and I walked away.

The guys huddled around the table for a couple minutes, then called me over. They told me they'd give me another $200 for the hot sauce. Well I know what I said, but they told me they wouldn't have enough to pay their tab if they agreed to $300. Fair enough reason. So just like the first bet, I made sure to see the money. Two more crispy Benjamin's. And just like the first bet, the sauce went down like water. Jackpot! $400 in the pocket after about 20 minutes worth of "work". By the way, these assholes recorded the whole thing and said they'd put it on Youtube, but I never checked.

Well I worked the rest of the shift with no real issues. Nothing more then a slight stomach ache, but kept a poker face like I was completely fine. I finished the shift with $130 from actually waiting tables and $400 from drinking sauces. Punched in at 5 and was out around 8:30. I'd say a pretty successful night, until I got home and midnight rolled around. It was like a switch went off and I had to book it to the bathroom before hell broke loose. I made it to the toliet just before the flood gates openned. The first round of violent puking felt like I was blowing straight fire out my mouth. Round two was different. Like magic, the hickory followed, coating the throat, blocking the heat, and saving me from pure agony. I thought I was scott free and $530 richer until the next morning when I became the fire breathing ass dragon. I swear I blew fire out my ass for about an hour. Thank god I had four Ben Franklins to wipe the tears from my eyes and sweat from my forehead.


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