
Listen people, there's not gonna be a hilarious tail of shenanigans every night in the world of ribs. So I'll take this time to touch on a subject that might hit home for a lot of people. Stereotypes. Working in the food service industry there's a shit ton of stereotypes. So if you fall into one of them, prove the world wrong and roundhouse kick your particular stereotype to death like my man Chuck would do. There's the "5....5 dollar....5 dollar black tiiip" (sing that to the subway $5 foot long tune if you couldn't figure it out already). Then there's the, "jewish 10% tip". There's the, "oh fuck! Here's an eight top of asians that are gonna share three meals, drink 2 owen juices, a gingo ale, and leave shit for a tip". And the never fails, "white trash, don't leave a fucking cent, no matter how big the bill is, scumbags" the absolute worst of them all. At least Bruce Lee, Mr.Mitzfah, and the Thug leave something and are nice about it most of the time. The trailer park royalty will leave nothing but a bad taste in your mouth and an empty spot on the table where your tip is supposed to be located. Maybe they're saving up for some new teeth or a new plot of land in the park they live in. Either way, if you can't afford to take care of your server then FUCKING STAY HOME! That goes for everyone. I love everyone equally, but if you can't admit this shit happens, then you haven't walked a day in the shoes of a food server. Good night armboners!  


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