The Fry Nubs

There's this middle aged couple that come into the restaurant that are known as "The Fry Nubs". They're this weirdo pair that have the same routine everytime they come in. They always sit in a booth and the woman does all the ordering. First she orders two sweet teas. I go get the sweet teas and put one down in front of each of them. Then like fucking clockwork, the lady slides her tea over to the man, and orders a coke for herself. -(I tried to out smart them one time, and when she ordered the two teas, I was a step ahead and also brought the coke. Well when I put the teas in front of the man and the coke in front of her, she looked at me like I had two heads. Then with a pissed off look on her face, she slid the coke to her husband and ordered another coke! Cuckoo, cuckoo! Needless to say, I never tried that shit again.)- Once they get the beverage situation settled in, they order a large fry with cheddar cheese on the side and an extra plate. Here's where it really gets weird. The lady rips the end pieces ,or "nubs", off of every single fry in the bowl and puts them on the side plate. While she's de-nubbing the fries the man just sits there like a kid in time out and watches this nutjob dip the bellies in the cheese and chow down. Once she's finally eaten every fry belly from the bowl, she slides the pile of nubs across the table to her starving husband, who at this point is pretty much drooling with hunger. Finally in a moment that can only be described as pure jubilance, the dude smashes the fry nubs with her left over cheese in under a minute like he hasn't eaten in days. After this freakshow is over, they finally order their dinner, they eat, they leave a 15% tip and they go. And that my friends is the story of my O.C.D. weirdo regulars now known to the world as THE FRY NUBS.


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